Acne Treatment in Burbank, CA
Acne can cause damage to the skin and unsightly scarring. With the right Medical Skin Care treatment, this can be reversed. While it is true that acne most commonly appears during the teenage years, a large percentage of individuals suffer from adult acne.
What Causes Adult Acne?
It can be caused by several things, one of which is emotional stress. The body can react to stress by increasing the secretions of the skin’s sebaceous glands or by releasing more hormones from the adrenal glands. Oils from the sebaceous glands can block pores, while a greater amount of hormones in the body can create an imbalance — both of which can give rise to acne flare-ups or exacerbate an existing acne condition.
What is an Acne Cyst?
Deep, painful pimples, also known as "underground" or acne cysts, can occur when a pore becomes blocked by dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria. These pimples are red, tender, and cannot be popped. Our doctors can inject a diluted cortisone solution into the pimple to reduce inflammation, shrink the bump, and promote resolution within a day or two. This quick procedure is available with any of our doctors.